The Degenerate is a blog meant to quell your desire to feel stimulated and not so alone in your sick and twisted ways.
The intention behind this blog is to create a media outlet that is aesthetically pleasing and also self-aware. We aim to engage people through anecdotal and relatable stories while serving some nuanced insights that satisfy our perpetual need to feel enriched.
To us, degenerate means having a taste for nice things but also having the spirit of a drenched sewer rat. Common degenerate proclivities include buying fancy shit while you complain about being poor, never having enough time to visit museums but shunning anyone who went to a Jeff Koons exhibition and liked it, and staying in bed because everyone sucks.
We function just enough to get to work and know the acceptable amount of shit going on in the world to appear informed. But in the end, we are just degenerates.
***The Degenerate is tongue and cheek and a satirical glimpse into our writers’ lives. We will claim to be gross and complain about mundane things. But the perspectives we’ll share here come from a place of privilege. Please take what we write with a grain of salt and a good sense of humor.