Is watching good TV more important than being literate?

by generally bad at most things

I’ve recently been on a number of dates during which the guy “admits” he doesn’t watch much TV. This usually comes out after he confirms he is literate and tells me his favorite book is by Bill Bryson. So he prizes non-fiction (see dating men red flag article) and likes the most ubiquitous cis white male author. Stellar. Needless to say, he likes to “escape” the troubles of the world by hitting up Equinox or a climbing wall. 

I find it very disconcerting when people’s favorite forms of escapism aren’t slightly detrimental to their health. Yes, I like to work through my anger issues by working out, but I also enjoy watching English reality shows while nurturing a food baby of ice cream and cheez-its. To love doing gross things is human. To actually admit your favorite way to relax and unwind is some social, outdoorsy, effortful activity is gross and gives me anxiety. 

Watching tv, especially binge-watching tv, is one of my favorite vices. I literally don’t watch shows now until all the episodes are available for the purpose of binging. I love sitting back in bed (my favorite place in the world) and knowing I have amazing plans all day. I literally do not need another person in my fucking life for the next 10 hours. I become my most independent and self-sufficient self while binging television shows. 

Not everyone binges tv (no one I am close with does this, although I’m told it’s a reality for some people), but most people, at the very least, keep up with a few different shows. This gives you a multitude of things to talk about, keeps you in the pop culture loop, and brings you up to speed with the current issues and fascinations that captivate our society. I don’t think you can be a properly functioning adult if you can’t converse on at least three HBO shows. Saying you just watch Game of Thrones is not a pass.

Watching a good dose of tv is hot. Having the confidence to turn down plans to watch tv is even hotter. I honestly don’t know what people expect me to think when they proudly claim they don’t watch much tv. They typically say it with a sneer, as if not watching television automatically means they spend more time doing scholarly shit. Through my interactions with people in this social group, I have found that less tv does not correlate with more reading. It also doesn’t correlate with more sleep (people who watch loads of tv like me also know the beauty of sleeping 14 hours). What these people do in their spare time is completely unknown and suss. I would say write in and tell me about yourself if this describes you, but please don’t. You probably read real estate listings for fun, and I’ve already dated you.

Posted in: TV

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