11 things I plan to ask my therapist:

by generally bad at most things

Writing at 4:13 AM. Took Adderall earlier to survive my rote job and life, and can’t sleep. Need to see a therapist to discuss this and other things…

First things that come to mind: 

  1. I hate the sun. It gives me anxiety and makes me feel pressure to go out and do things. What’s up with that? Is it possible I have a weird condition where the sun actually causes me pain?
  2. I love the rain because I don’t feel pressure to do stuff, so I actually do stuff. Should I use reverse psychology to make myself do everything? 
  3. I feel bored and anxious a lot, so I take drugs, and it’s great. Is it better to be productive on drugs and possibly die? Or is it better to be bored and anxious and eventually die from ennui?
  4. I love sleeping 14 hours on the weekend. Is this ok, or am I definitely fucked up? 
  5. I have difficulty talking to my parents without getting anxious. Normal-ish? We should probably unpack this…
  6. I’d rather be alone than with terrible people. Is this me knowing myself with the perk of being a money saver? Orrrr, does this just mean I’m a selfish bitch?
  7. Why do I hate people who have never been depressed?
  8. Am I depressed or just bored, white, and privileged? (Ding ding ding!)
  9. I feel my life is a constant mish-mash of hopeless discontent and a god complex. What personality disorder is this?
  10. Will I ever find mental solace after years of drug abuse?
  11. Does this list make me the fucking worst?

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