J. LO is A Queen. You are not.

by pills don’t count

I had the pleasure of attending a wonderful Super Bowl party on Sunday. Dogs and food galore. 

Like a proper Degenerate, I showed up for the wine, food, and halftime show. Shakira and J. LO rocked the stage with Latinx brilliance and beauty and kicked any fear I had of aging out the door. 

Sadly, this mesmerizing and monumental halftime show was *almost* ruined by the snickers I heard from some of my fellow females on the couch beside me.

“Um, this is a family-friendly show,” they said, implying, I think, that the show was a bit too sexy.

First of all, families come from sex. Sorry to any parent that cannot talk to their children about sex and sexuality. Your children will probably be sheltered and stunted, unable to appreciate their own bodies and sexuality (or asexuality or pansexuality or lives in general… denying them the opportunity to explore sexuality in a “family-friendly” safe space will make it so much harder for them to figure it the fuck out).

“Ok, she is naked. Put a skirt on.” Fuck you. She is expressing body positivity and strength. And she looks incredible. Don’t deny my fellow degenerates and me the opportunity to appreciate the glory that is J. LO because you’re a prude.

“Omg, her husband is watching this [grinding on man].” She’s a professional performer. Similar to when actors have sex scenes in films…I assume you’re ok with that. Non?

“Oh, phew, she put a flag on her.” It was the Puerto Rican flag. I’m assuming you are apathetic on aid to this commonwealth? Or perhaps you actively elect people who don’t give a shit.  

“Oh.my.god. She has a daughter. Would you ever want to see your mother like that?” Yes. I want to see my mother crushing the belief that women can’t be beautiful over 40 and after children. Yes, I want my mother to show the world that women of all ages and ethnicity can be strong, powerful, commanding, and confident. And YES, her daughter was on stage with her, fucking killing the performance alongside her badass mother. Next?

J.LO  is an athlete who dons outfits that capture the beauty and power of her body. To think otherwise is unfortunate and unfeminist. Men, women, non-binary folks, and everyone on this planet, should be able to dress in ways that empower them. J.LO’s show was a celebration of empowerment, not a sexual perversion that should be shamed.

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