In the Time of Corona: Redefining Companionship

In the Time of Corona: Redefining Companionship

Being human and needing human interaction, I, like most, have begun to rely more on FaceTime and Netflix Party for company. This might come as a big surprise to anyone who has ever lived with me. From their perspective, I’m a hermit whose ears start bleeding if I hear any noise other than my own breathing. Yet, even I have found it to be a great time to bolster and rekindle relationships virtually.

Micro-nice, macro-mean

Micro-nice, macro-mean

In my Corona isolation, I have had the misfortune of having a lot of time to reflect upon my recent year-long tenure in Dallas, Texas. Though social distancing wasn’t legally mandated while I was in Dallas, my mental health required it. Regularly hearing things like “wow, you’re funny for a girl” and “do you know what black people do a lot?” forced me into voluntary self-isolation.