Being human and needing human interaction, I, like most, have begun to rely more on FaceTime and Netflix Party for company. This might come as a big surprise to anyone who has ever lived with me. From their perspective, I’m a hermit whose ears start bleeding if I hear any noise other than my own breathing. Yet, even I have found it to be a great time to bolster and rekindle relationships virtually.
All posts in Lifestyle
A Quick List of Red Flags for Those Interested in Dating Men:
If a man you are dating displays any of these behaviors, you need to GTFO and buy yourself a new vibrator to replace them.
Tip 2: Surviving White Privilege Poor Times
Sadly, I don’t have a family to fall back on, so I have a contract job to support the full-time day job I have at a museum. (Can a small portion of this place’s endowment maybe go towards allowing me to eat more than scraps for dinner? No? Ok!)